How do I install my camera?

First, be sure to power on and activate your camera.

  1. Power adapter & cable ties
    Look under the steering wheel to find the OBDII port and plug in the Y splitter. Plug the OBD GPS tracker and the camera's OBD power adapter into either end of the Y splitter. Next, use the flexible cable ties to secure the cable under your dashboard and prevent any slack from hanging into the footwell.

    Note: For wired GPS devices, you can plug the camera's OBD power adapter directly into the OBD port. You do not need the Y splitter.

  2. Tuck stick
    Route the cable up the doorjamb to the windshield and extend it past the center of the dashboard. Use the tuck stick to hide the cable in the gap between the dashboard and windshield.

  3. Suction beam
    Select a tail length (we recommend the 5" to start) and slide it onto the arm. Insert the cable ball into the beam and route the cable down to the notch on the tail. Center the beam on the dashboard and gently push the tail against the windshield. Lift and push the suction cup against the windshield using your thumb, then push the level to securely lock in place.

    We recommend using the shortest tail possible so the driver has the best view forward. Longer tails may be needed to achieve the best inside camera view.

  4. Camera
    Plug the cable into the camera and mount it onto the beam. Use the tuck stick to tidy up any loose cable on the dashboard.